When you come to the Student Health Center, we will ask you a lot of embarrassing questions and do an embarrassing examination to rule out other more serious causes of rectal bleeding such as infections, inflammatory bowel disease, anal fissures and even (rarely) colon cancer. Risk factors for developing hemorrhoids include They can be painful or painless depending on their location, and are often associated with rectal pain and itching, a lump that you can feel and/or rectal bleeding. Hemorrhoids are abnormally swollen veins in the rectum or anus that bleed with minor pressure, such as that which occurs from bowel movements. You’re probably dealing with a hemorrhoid: a very common, and literal, pain in the butt. We see this all the time at Student Health and it’s rarely as scary as it looks. Short A: Come in to see us so we can check it out.
Q: Help! I saw bright red blood on the toilet paper after I wiped.